Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Day I ......

The day I saw my globe
The day I saw my mother
The day i saw my grandmother
The day I was able to puff
The day I heard my cry
The day I smiled
The day I was in my mom's cozy arm
The day I could sense

The day I had my first feed
The day I felt my bed wet
The day I got my first bath
The day I troubled my mom the most in pain

The day I was dressed like an angel
The day I saw all my loved ones

Yes, It was the special day for my mother
And now special day for all my loved ones.

My Birthday !!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Never felt this before

I had never felt this before

A feeling of fondness
A feeling of caress
A feeling of trueness

I had never felt this before
A feeling of warmth
A feeling of belonging
A feeling of entirety
I had never felt this before

Longing for such a bond was a dream come true and
I had never felt this before !!!

~ Kavitha.